How and where do you measure recruitment effectiveness?

Yes, it’s another article looking at the range of metrics available to employers to measure the
effectiveness of their recruitment budgets and processes. What’s particularly interesting
about this one is the sheer variety of different measures that can be set up and tracked. It
includes some familiar ones…but has anyone ever heard of hiring velocity?

If you’ve read this far you will know we are passionate about measuring the effectiveness of
what we achieve do for our clients, and in as many ways as possible. Just read our Amazon
Flex UK case study to see what we mean.

But wherever and whenever you start, getting into the habit of collating and interpreting data
helps you to set some baseline metrics and then you can look at how you can improve them
over time.

We’re experts at forensically reviewing plenty of data points throughout the candidate to
employee journey and recommending to clients how we can optimise locations, media,
messaging, conversions, engagement, conversions and hires.

Talk to use about how we can optimise your recruitment.

Here’s a great article on Recruitment Process Effectiveness Metrics

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